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Jumat, 11 Mei 2012 0

 Papua Asmat tribe living in Irian Jaya southeast, along the coastline between the riversof the west Muras and sugai Ewta the east. Asmat means "real people". Asmat peoplehave the belief that they originated from Fumeripits, the Creator. Fumeripits supposedlystranded in a state of unconsciousness, but saved by his life in a group of birds, andthen recovered and lived alone in the new area. Feeling lonely, he decided to build alonghouse in filled with sculptures carved from wood. The creator was lonely, and makea drum (a kind of musical instrument drums). Since then Fumeripits kept wandering andin every area singgahannya he built a long house and create new human beings whothen is now known as the Asmat people.
In Asmat belief is closely related to the natural surroundings. They believe that theuniverse inhabited by the spirits, devils, and spirits which they call the devil. They weredivided in 2 groups demons, demons that endanger human life, like the devil is happening because a pregnant woman died. And the devil that does not harm the only frighten and disturb it.
The Asmat also believe in magical forces, mostly in the form of taboo. 

Sundanese ethnic culture

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012 0

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In 1998, totaling approximately Sundanese 33 million people, most of them living inWest Java. An estimated 1 million people living in other provinces. Based on 1990 census found that West Java has the largest population of all provinces in Indonesia, namely 35.3 million people. Similarly, urban residents reached 34.51%, a significantamount that can be reached by a variety of media. 
However, the Sundanese are onegroup of people among the least known in the world. Their name is often regarded asthe Sudan in Africa and is misspelled in the encyclopedia. Some spelling corrections in the computer as well turn it into a Sudanese.
A brief history of pre-20th century is intended to introduce the Sundanese in West Java,to us who serve in Indonesia. In this century, their history has been intertwined with the rise of nationalism that eventually became modern Indonesia.

Sundanese are an ethnic group originating from the western part of Java island, Indonesia, from Ujung Kulon on the western tip of Java island until around Bradford (mencakupwilayah administrative provinces of West Java, Banten, part of Jakarta, and the Middle sebagianJawa. West Java is a province with a population Most diIndonesia.

Aru tribes in Maluku: Aru Islands

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012 0

 Aru Islands are islands that are rich in natural resources and cultural resources,geomorphology and ecology proven lepengan Sahul located adjacent to New Guineaand Australia, comprised of five islands (P. Kola, P. Wokam, P . Kobror, P. Maekor andP.Trangan) surrounded by 182 small and very small islands (O'Connor., 2005, Heat., 2004. 

Carok and sickles not Madurese Original Of Culture

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012 0

 Carok / sickle shape rabble Resistance

Carok derived from the ancient Kawi language which means the fight. Madurese language literally, could mean Ecacca Carok erok-infant (killed / mutilated ...).According to Imron D.Zawawi a cultural epithet of Sumenep Gold sickles, Carok is an intermingling of cultures that are not completely genuine from Madura.

Interest on Madura


Madurese is the identity of the tribe of Madura itself. Madura is famous for other thancow Kerapan also not free from tribal customs that are still attached to the present.Madurese people different from other tribes in general. here they are relying on the nature of kinship and mutual respect between each other.
Madura island which consists of four districts namely Bangkalan, Sampang,Pamekasan and Sumenep located in the northeast of the island of Java with the coordinates of about 7 degrees south latitude and between 112 degrees and 114degrees east longitude. 

Culture of Batak Tribe


Kingdom was founded by a Raja Batak domestic silahi Toba-sila (Silalahi) lua 'Baligi (Luat Balige), Parsoluhan village, tribe Pohan. King in question is named Raja Alang Pardoksi supernatural powers (Pardosi). Batak heyday kingdom led by a king named. Sultan Maharaja in 1054 Hijri Bongsu managed to prosper the country with its political policies.
DESCRIPTION LOCATIONBatak tribe of Sumatra Island. Area of ​​origin is known as the residence of the Batak Karo High Land, Kangkat Hulu, Hulu Deli, Serdang Hulu, Simalungun, Toba, Mandailing and Central Tapanuli. The area is traversed by a series of Bukit Barisan in the area of ​​North Sumatra, and there is a large lake named Lake Toba is the Batak people. Judging from the administrative area, they lived in a district or this part of North Sumatra. Namely Karo, Simalungun, Dairi, North Tapanuli, and Asahan.

Origin of Batak Tribe


Let us know better about the Batak tribes ranging from the origins, customs, why go abroad like the Batak tribe left the village halamanya and everything about something other Batak tribe.

History ((origin) Batak tribe.
The origin of the Batak tribe is very difficult to trace because of the lack of sites of historical narrative about the Batak tribe, it is often said to trace the origin of the Batak tribe of people who are less kerjaan.tapi for me not be a problem is said to have enough to do, who knows any of the readers who could further complement this paper, I would be very grateful. by quoting from various sources including various blog posts and also buku2 menuls of Batak which I try to menyajikanya for readers. Batak tribe is one of hundreds of tribes who are in Idonesia,



 Papua Asmat tribe living in Irian Jaya southeast, along the coastline between the riversof the west Muras and sugai Ewta the east. 
Asmat means "real people". Asmat peoplehave the belief that they originated from Fumeripits, the Creator.
 Fumeripits supposedlystranded in a state of unconsciousness, but saved by his life in a group of birds, andthen recovered and lived alone in the new area. Feeling lonely, he decided to build alonghouse in filled with sculptures carved from wood. The creator was lonely, and makea drum (a kind of musical instrument drums). Since then Fumeripits kept wandering andin every area singgahannya he built a long house and create new human beings whothen is now known as the Asmat people In Asmat belief is closely related to the natural surroundings. They believe that theuniverse inhabited by the spirits, devils, and spirits which they call the devil. They weredivided in 2 groups demons, demons that endanger human life, like the devil is happening because a pregnant woman died. And the devil that does not harm the only frighten and disturb it.

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