> Culture of Batak Tribe

Culture of Batak Tribe

Posted on Kamis, 08 Maret 2012 | No Comments

Kingdom was founded by a Raja Batak domestic silahi Toba-sila (Silalahi) lua 'Baligi (Luat Balige), Parsoluhan village, tribe Pohan. King in question is named Raja Alang Pardoksi supernatural powers (Pardosi). Batak heyday kingdom led by a king named. Sultan Maharaja in 1054 Hijri Bongsu managed to prosper the country with its political policies.
DESCRIPTION LOCATIONBatak tribe of Sumatra Island. Area of ​​origin is known as the residence of the Batak Karo High Land, Kangkat Hulu, Hulu Deli, Serdang Hulu, Simalungun, Toba, Mandailing and Central Tapanuli. The area is traversed by a series of Bukit Barisan in the area of ​​North Sumatra, and there is a large lake named Lake Toba is the Batak people. Judging from the administrative area, they lived in a district or this part of North Sumatra. Namely Karo, Simalungun, Dairi, North Tapanuli, and Asahan.


A. LanguageIn the life and daily life, the Batak use some accent, are: (1) Slang used by Karo Karo, (2) Slang used by Pakpak Pakpak, (3) Slang used by Simalungun Simalungun, (4) Slang used by Toba Toba, Angkola and Mandailing.
B. KnowledgeBatak people are also familiar with the ancient system of mutual assistance in farming. In the language was called Raron Karo activity, whereas the Toba language it is called the Decorative. A group of neighbors or relatives closer together till the land and each member in turn. Raron it is an institution whose membership is voluntary and the long standing agreement depends on the participants.
C. TechnologyBatak society has come to know and use simple equipment used to grow crops in their lives. Such as the hoe, plow (plow in Karo), single stick (crank in Karo), sickle (sabi-sabi) or ani-ani. Batak society also has a traditional weapon, namely, piso surit (a type of dagger), piso elephant densely packed (a keris that long), hujur (a type of spear), podang (a type of long sword). Elements of other technologies that are yaitukain ulos woven fabric that has many functions in the lives of indigenous Batak.
D. Social organizationsa. MarriageIn the tradition of tribal Batak can only marry someone of a different Batak clan so if one is married he should find a life partner from another clan than his clan. If a marriage is a person who is not from the tribe of Batak, he has to be adopted by one of the Batak clan (different clans). The event was followed by a wedding procession conducted in the church because the majority of the Batak Christian.For the marriage dowry of the bride and sisters who are married.
b. KinshipBatak ethnic kinship groups living in rural areas who are called according to the terms Kuta Huta or Karo. Huta is usually inhabited by one family of a kin group marga.Ada also called clans taneh namely the descendants of the founder of Kuta pariteral. Marga is bound by certain symbols such as surnames. The little clan is a patrilineal relatives who still resides in one area. Instead a large clan whose members live mostly scattered sdah so do not know each other but they can recognize members by last name that always came behind her first name, the Batak social stratification based on four principles: (a) the difference tigkat age, (b) differences in rank and positions, (c) differences in the nature of authenticity and (d) marital status.
E. LivelihoodBatak society in general cultivation in the rice paddies and fields. Obtained from the division of land-based clan. Each mandapat families had land but not sell it. In addition to lands owned land as for individuals.Livestock is also one of Batak tribe living among other buffalo farms, cows, pigs, goats, chickens, and ducks. Fishing conducted some of the residents around the lake Toba.Crafts sector is also growing. For example weaving, rattan, wood carving, temmbikar, there kaitanya with tourism.
F. ReligionIn the 19th century into the Islamic religion penyebaranya covers the southern Batak.Christianity came in about the year 1863 and includes batak penyebaranya north.Although d emikian many Batak people in rural areas are still the original concept of religion pendduk mmpertahankan Batak. Batak people have the conception that the universe and its contents were created by Debeta Na Mula So Balloons and resides in the sky and have the names in accordance with the duties and kedudukanya. So Na Mula Debeta Balloon: residing in the heavens and the almighty creator; Siloan Na Balom: serves as the ruler of the world of spirits. In conjunction with the spirits and souls of the Batak knows the three concepts, namely: Tondi: the soul or spirit; Sahala: the soul or spirit of one's own strength; Begu: Tondinya dead. Batak people also believe in the magic powers of amulets called Tongkal.
G. ArtDance Dance is Tor-tor (magical); Dance serampang twelve (nature of entertainment). Traditional Musical Instrument: Gong; Saga-saga. The results of the weaving craft is the Batak tribe cloth ulos. The fabric is always displayed in the marriage ceremony, set up home, death ceremonies, the surrender of the estate, welcomed the honored guests and Tor-tor dance ceremony. Custom fabric in accordance with that belief system inherited ancestors.
A. KinshipBatak society kinship values ​​embodied in the implementation of custom key Dalian Na Talu, where one must find a mate outside the group, the people in a group are called Sabutuha (brothers), for the group receiving the girl to diperistri called Hula-hula. The group that gave the girl called Boru.2. HagabeonSignificant cultural value long life expectancy, birth, bercucu a lot, and that is fine.3. HamoraanBatak tribes honor the value that lies in the balance, and spiritual aspects of meterial.4. Uhum and ugariUhum value reflected on the seriousness of the Batak people in upholding justice while ugari be seen in a pledge of loyalty.5. AegisShelter shall be provided to the community, the task is entailed by the three elements in Dalihan Na Tolu.6. MarsisarianA mean value of the mutual understanding, respect, and mutual aid.
ASPECT DEVELOPMENTDevelopment aspects of the Batak tribe and the onset of the entry of the school system an opportunity to gain social prestige. Network of kinship-based peoples can work well. Custom themselves to the Batak people is sacred. Forget the custom is considered extremely dangerous.
Recognition of blood ties and marital ties to strengthen the rope in everyday life.Helping each other between relatives in the world of commerce and in the middle of the field of modern urban life commonly seen among the Batak. Tightness kinship networks that surround them that gives them incredible resilience in responding to the challenges of this century.

  • Hidayah, Zuliyani
  • 1997 Ensiklopedia Suku Bangsa di Indonesia. Jakarta: LP3ES Koentjaraningrat
  • 1971 Manusia dan kebudayaan di Indonesia. Jakarta: Djambatan Melalatoa, M. Junus
  • 1997 Ensiklopedi Suku Bangsa di Indonesia. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan kebudayaan

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