> Suku Aceh

Suku Aceh

Posted on Rabu, 07 Maret 2012 | No Comments

   Aceh ... is a nation that has existed since 2,500 years ago and has been known since the 5th century AD
with Poly kingdom on the coast Sigli (Aceh Pidie),Aceh is a unique nation consisting of ethnic and multicultural language and culture,Aceh is a country full of nicknames ...Aceh mecca of the country porch, the ground state rencong Aceh, Aceh Islamic Sharia country, the country a million Acehnese coffee shops and so on.
According to one source among researchers of history and anthropology,The origin of Aceh that comes from Mantee tribe that lived in the jungle Acehhave characteristics posture is rather small compared to the Acehnese now.according to forecasts this mantee tribe have links associated with ethnicity Charm in Malaccawhich is part of the Indian nation from the back of the Khmer Monk.Bleak you see similarities that exist in the souls of the Khmer people of Aceh with the spirit and the flame of revolution burning.
Back on the past history here we see the influence of the nation's firstceh came from India that carries the Hindu and Buddhist teachings into Aceh about 2,500 years ago,India has made the settlement in Aceh, they came through the north coast of Aceh.Very great variety of sources considering the trading ports,where the information obtained from the Chinese, Arab, India, even Europe, is strong enough evidencethat it was from time immemorial been an international crossroads that is strategic in the wedge by the Indian Ocean and Malacca Strait.
In the course of history as we know about the year 500 AD in Aceh has been established a kingdom that is known internationallyPoly named kingdom, the kingdom is located on the beach Poly Sigli,Pidie and Aceh in the late 13th century and noted that the Indian empire founded by Meurah Pasai Silothe title of Sultan Malik-then-sultan Ali Saleh to Mughayat Shah A king Acehthe more astute and fortunate of the previous kings, had proclaimed the KINGDOM OF ACEH DARUSSALAM on Thursday,21 H or 916 Dzulqaidah February 20, 1511Aceh became one of the ADI RATE POWER dikawasannya which is one of the five largest Islamic empirein the world at that time and Aceh achieve glorious heyday in the golden era of sultan Iskandar Muda.History of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalm etched for 407 years on earth the divine sultan ended the days of Muhammad Daud Shah in 1903.
Aceh in the history of painting in canvas paintings beautiful Dahlan Al Sayed Ethiopianow is a province which is one of the concubines of the Republic of Indonesia

Dance in Aceh

1.Dance Ratoh Duek

         Dance is a dance Ratoh Duek Acehnese booming in Jakarta. Generally, the people of Jakarta known and called by the name of Tari Saman. Almost no difference between the two types of dance, the dance performed by dancers Ratoh Duek women, while theSaman dance performed by male dancers.

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