> Sundanese ethnic culture

Sundanese ethnic culture

Posted on Kamis, 15 Maret 2012 | No Comments

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In 1998, totaling approximately Sundanese 33 million people, most of them living inWest Java. An estimated 1 million people living in other provinces. Based on 1990 census found that West Java has the largest population of all provinces in Indonesia, namely 35.3 million people. Similarly, urban residents reached 34.51%, a significantamount that can be reached by a variety of media. 
However, the Sundanese are onegroup of people among the least known in the world. Their name is often regarded asthe Sudan in Africa and is misspelled in the encyclopedia. Some spelling corrections in the computer as well turn it into a Sudanese.
A brief history of pre-20th century is intended to introduce the Sundanese in West Java,to us who serve in Indonesia. In this century, their history has been intertwined with the rise of nationalism that eventually became modern Indonesia.

Sundanese are an ethnic group originating from the western part of Java island, Indonesia, from Ujung Kulon on the western tip of Java island until around Bradford (mencakupwilayah administrative provinces of West Java, Banten, part of Jakarta, and the Middle sebagianJawa. West Java is a province with a population Most diIndonesia.
kerana located adjacent to the state capital of almost all.ethnic groups in Indonesia are in the province. 65% of the population of Java Sunda Baratadalah Tribe is a native of this province. Other tribes adalahSuku Java are often found in the northern part of West Java, a lot of Spare Betawi who inhabit the western part bersempadan with Jakarta. Minang and SukuBatak many tribes inhabiting the major cities in West Java, such as Bandung, Cimahi, Bogor, Jakarta and Depok.Meanwhile, many Chinese people found almost in seluruhdaerah Java Sunda SUNDAKebudayaan Barat.KEBUDAYAAN TRIBE is one culture that is the source of wealth for the nation of Indonesia in its development needs to be preserved. Cultures are discussed as follows: SYSTEM KEPERCAYAANHampir all Sundanese Muslim.Only a small proportion of non-Muslims, including the Bedouin people who lived in Banten's nothing, but also Catholic, Christian, Hindu, Budha.Selatan. Danmistik syncretism practices still do. Basically the whole life of the Sunda intended to maintain the natural balance is maintained by semesta.Keseimbangan magical ceremonies, social sedangkankeseimbangan activity is maintained with each other (mutual aid). It is interesting in the Sunda trust, is a story poem Kasarung monkey, one of the characterstheir culture, who believe in Allah the One and Only (GuriangTunggal) that exude a small part of the world to Himself into the human memeliharakehidupan (incarnation of God is called the Gods). It might be good news to communicate jembatanuntuk mereka.MATA PENCAHARIANSuku Sunda farming life generally. Most do not like to wander atauhidup part with the people sekerabatnya. Needs of the Sunda terutamaadalah improve living standards. According to data from the National Development Planning Agency (clipping in December 1993) in West Java, there are 75% of the rural poor. In general, poverty in Java Baratdisebabkan by the scarcity of human resources. So what is needed is the development of human resources in the form of education, guidance, etc.

Early Belief Systems 
Sundanese unlike most other tribes, which have not Sundanese myth about creationmyths or other records that explain the origin of this tribe. No one knows where they came from, nor how they settled in West Java. Presumably in the first centuries AD, a small group Sundanese exploring the mountains and forests to slash and burn culture to open forest. All of the earliest myths say that the Sundanese more as workers thanfarmers in the rice fields.
Their beliefs form the foundation of what is now referred to as the original religion of the Sundanese. Although it is impossible to know exactly what these beliefs, but the bestclues found in ancient epic poetry (Wawacan) and among the Bedouin tribes of the remote. Bedouins call their religion as the Sunda Wiwitan [Sunda most people at first].Not only the Bedouins are almost entirely free of elements of Islam (unless they areprescribed more than 20 years ago), but also shows the characteristics SundaneseHindus are very few. Some words in Sanskrit and Hindu myths related to still exist. In themonograph, Robert Wessing cites several sources that indicate the general Sundanese,"The Indian belief system did not totally displace the indigenous beliefs, even at the courtcenters." [1] Based on a system of taboos, religion is animistic Bedouins. They believethat spirits inhabit rocks, trees, rivers and other inanimate objects. The spirits are doinggood or evil, depending on one's obedience to the taboo system. Thousands of taboobelief is used in every aspect of daily life. 

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