Aru tribes in Maluku: Aru Islands
Posted on Rabu, 14 Maret 2012
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van Balgooy., 1996, in Springgs at. all., Thornton at al___), with a total 8563 km2area (, 2009). Socially and culturally in a clump of Aru includingMelanesia and the Pacific consists of 16 indigenous people Aru (LRII, 2009), andvarious other tribal families of the Moluccas, Java, and Chinese. Aru combination offamily and tribe and other tribes have formed komonitas Aru modern society, with a totalpopulation reached 71 393 people (BPS Maluku Province 2009). Aru public life began to change since 1600, when the family of the Chinese nation began menginjakan feetand trade, and in 1857, Alfred R. Wallace was a British explorer and researcher is alsoa stopover in Dobo, who in turn get the "promised land" in the Aru Islands, the article titled "The Malay Archipelago," published Oxford University, in 1986 (Indek. 2002). but the conditions of economic growth and education of Aru was slow and seemed to walkin place. It was not until the 1960s, some son of Aru managed to become a teacher atvarious elementary and secondary education, as well as civil servants in government departments.
This dynamic makes us aware that we are still poor human resources, although we have recognized that the natural and cultural wealth of remarkable. Indeed in 1970 through 2000, as it is known that many Aru men graduate status and some of themmade it to the Master. Proved in 2003, after officially Aru district 3 District (LandmarkMaluku regency government., 2006), we are very difficult to find the son of Aru with the appropriate competencies to be positioned at a government office, had to be positioned so that people from other tribes Maluku.
This dynamic region has become a serious problem, and the Aru District Governmenthas been working fine now, to find adequate solutions, some of which can be monitoredare sending sons and daughters of Aru at regular intervals to continue study in Java,since 2007, where in 2009, 100 students Aru departed again with the aim of Strata-1level study at State University of Malang. Government District (District Government) is also committed to continuously improving the quality of education Aru, proved in July2009, the district government launched a program of free education or compulsory education.
After so long, since the year 1600 to 2009, eventually became Aru education increased significantly, Aru Islands would have a lot of cedikiawan-scholars with a variety ofscience disciplines in the next 5 to 10 years. So it is necessary to form a container which can be referred to as the Aru Islands Scholars Association (ICKA). This containerwill assist in formulating, define, evaluate, and recommend strategic programs forsustainable development and Aru islands. These containers will work as neutral withRegency to mengkomonikasikan various development programs and also to realize ajust and true.
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Maluku. 2009. Provinsi Maluku .
Indek. 2002. Cerita dari Maluku; Episode 10 – Tentang Nuhu Evav dari Tenggara. Sekitar Kita, Manusia, Budaya, dan Lingkungan. http: //sekitarkita. com/ author/ idenk/.
Kalor, J. D. 2004. Sumber Daya Hayati Ikan Kakap Famili Lutjanidae di Gugus Kepulauan Aru, Provinsi Maluku. Jurusan biologi. Fakultas matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Cenderawasih, Jayapura-Papua, Skripsi tidak diterbitkan
Pemerintah Kabupaten Maluku Tengara. 2006. Sejarah Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara.http: // www. malukutenggarakab. go. id/ ?pilih =ha l&id =2&mn=82.
Rattu. 2009. Dari Kepulauan Aru. Lembaga Rekaman Injil Indonesia (LRII).
Springgs, M., Sue O’connor, Petter Veth___Terras Australia 22. Australian National University. Research School of Pacific and Asian studies. 2009. Aru Islands.
Indek. 2002. Cerita dari Maluku; Episode 10 – Tentang Nuhu Evav dari Tenggara. Sekitar Kita, Manusia, Budaya, dan Lingkungan. http: //sekitarkita. com/ author/ idenk/.
Kalor, J. D. 2004. Sumber Daya Hayati Ikan Kakap Famili Lutjanidae di Gugus Kepulauan Aru, Provinsi Maluku. Jurusan biologi. Fakultas matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Cenderawasih, Jayapura-Papua, Skripsi tidak diterbitkan
Pemerintah Kabupaten Maluku Tengara. 2006. Sejarah Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara.http: // www. malukutenggarakab. go. id/ ?pilih =ha l&id =2&mn=82.
Rattu. 2009. Dari Kepulauan Aru. Lembaga Rekaman Injil Indonesia (LRII).
Springgs, M., Sue O’connor, Petter Veth___Terras Australia 22. Australian National University. Research School of Pacific and Asian studies. 2009. Aru Islands.