> Origin of Batak Tribe

Origin of Batak Tribe

Posted on Kamis, 08 Maret 2012 | No Comments

Let us know better about the Batak tribes ranging from the origins, customs, why go abroad like the Batak tribe left the village halamanya and everything about something other Batak tribe.

History ((origin) Batak tribe.
The origin of the Batak tribe is very difficult to trace because of the lack of sites of historical narrative about the Batak tribe, it is often said to trace the origin of the Batak tribe of people who are less kerjaan.tapi for me not be a problem is said to have enough to do, who knows any of the readers who could further complement this paper, I would be very grateful. by quoting from various sources including various blog posts and also buku2 menuls of Batak which I try to menyajikanya for readers. Batak tribe is one of hundreds of tribes who are in Idonesia,
contained in the Batak tribe of Sumatra Utara.Menurut sebahagian legend who believed that the tribal Batak Batak people from pusuk Buhit sianjur Mula Mula area west Pangururan on the outskirts of Lake Toba. If the version of the historians say that siRaja Batak Batak and rombonganya which originated from crossing into Thailand through Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra, ultimately up to the Sianjur At first, and remained there. While the inscriptions which are found in many Portibi reply Prof.Nilakantisari 1208 and read by a Professor of Antiquities experts who came from Madras, India explained that in 1024 attacked the kingdom of Srivijaya Cola from India and ruled the kingdom of Cola kemunggkinan Barus.pasukan is orang2 Tamil because Tamil was discovered about 1500 people who live in the Barus on the itu.Tamil is the name of one of the tribes who are in India. siRaja Batak are estimated to live in the year 1200 (beginning of 13th century)Raja Sisingamangaraja keXII estimated 19th-generation descendant of siRaja Batak who died in 1907 and is the son of the King swelled to 20 generations. From the above findings can be concluded that the most likely ancestor of siRaja Batak is an official or a fighter who is domiciled diBarus Srivijaya empire since the 12th century who controlled the whole archipelago was Srivijaya kingdom diPalembang. As a result of this attack the Cole royal ancestor estimated siRaja rombonganya Batak and pushed up into the area south of Lake Toba Portibi and hence the possibility of Batak labeled siRaja war began holding the reins of leadership or may be siRaja Batak territory extending the war until the study covers the area around Lake Toba, Simalungun, Tanah Karo, Dairi until sebahagian Aceh and move the center of his reign sidaerah Portibi south of Lake Toba. In the late 12th century Majapahit kingdom around the year 1275 to the stricken area to attack the kingdom of Srivijaya Pane, Haru, Padang Lawas and surrounding territory which is estimated to include Batak siRaja.Attack of the Majapahit empire which is expected to lead to the King of Batak and rombonganya forced to go kepedalaman Pangururan ditepian west side of Lake Toba, the area called Mula Mula Sianjur foot of the hill named Pusuk Buhit, then inhabited the area along rombonganya.

Batak siRaja late decision by the forces of the Majapahit empire likely close relation to the collapse of the kingdom of Srivijaya dipalembang because as in the above estimates is the possibility of a Batak siRaja Ruler of war under the control of the kingdom of Srivijaya.

The title of King to siRaja Batak because he was not a king but of a designation of the followers or descendants as a tribute because there is no bukti2 found which shows the existence of a kingdom which is called the kingdom of Batak. Batak tribes have great respect for his ancestors, so almost all the ancestral marga2 batak given the title of King as a title of respect, also the ancestors of the Batak makam2 constructed in such a way by the descendants and made a monument which could cost rupiah.Tugu milyartan is intended in addition to respect for the ancestors as well to remind the generation will young of their heritage. Batak tribe in social systems have what is called Marga in use for generations to follow the male line of descent of about 227 names laki.ada Marga in Batak tribe. In the book it is said that Tarombo Borbor Marsada siRaja Batak have 3 (three) children, namely:TEACHER TATEA-MONTH (siRaja Lontung)ISOMBAON-KING (siRaja Sumba)TOGA-SEA.Batak is the third child who is believed siRja continued leadership of Batak siRaja marga2 formation and origin of the Batak tribe.Marga2 sub-tribe and the tribe of BatakThere are hundreds of tribes and sub bebrapa clan who are the Batak tribe and it will try to describe in the next article ........ ok ....??
nb: if there is one more .... I saudara2 who has a documented history of Batak Tribe please correct or complete this writing ... thank you ...

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